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Essay Coaching: Expert Reviewers: Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling's Insights and Feedback

Published Dec 02, 23
4 min read

Compelling Application Essay: Standing Out from the Competition For High School Graduates From Great Neck, 11024

Writing an outstanding college application essay can make all the difference in the highly competitive landscape of college admissions. Students from Great Neck, 11024, can benefit from the expert college application essay assistance provided by New Bridge Educational Consulting. With their personalized guidance, students can develop a compelling essay that showcases their unique qualities and sets them apart from other applicants. In this article, we will explore the comprehensive process of college application essay writing, the role of essay review and expert evaluation, and how students can maximize their application to increase their chances of success.

College Application Essay Writing: A Comprehensive Process

Writing a college application essay can be a daunting task for high school graduates. It requires creativity, self-reflection, and an ability to express oneself effectively. New Bridge Educational Consulting understands the challenges students face and provides comprehensive support throughout the essay writing process.

One of the key benefits of working with New Bridge is the one-on-one support they offer. Their team of experts helps students navigate the genre of college application essays, educating them about the expectations and requirements. They assist students in brainstorming essay topics that reflect their personal experiences, interests, and aspirations.

Once a topic is selected, New Bridge guides students through the process of outlining and organizing their ideas. They help students develop a compelling narrative structure that engages the reader and effectively conveys the student's character and potential.

Editing plays a critical role in the essay writing process, and New Bridge provides invaluable feedback to help students refine their essays. With the assistance of a national-level writer, students can strengthen their prose, improve clarity, and ensure that their essay reflects their true voice. New Bridge's collaborative approach encourages students to actively participate in the editing process and take ownership of their essay.

In addition to the main college application essay, many selective colleges require students to submit supplementary essays. These essays provide an opportunity for students to showcase their interests, perspectives, and achievements beyond what is covered in the main essay. New Bridge's expertise extends to assisting students in crafting unique and compelling supplementary essays that align with their college choices.

Overall, New Bridge Educational Consulting offers a comprehensive process for college application essay writing. Their personalized approach, from educating students on the genre to providing detailed feedback, ensures that students are equipped with the necessary tools to create an exceptional essay.

If you're a high school graduate from Great Neck, 11024, and in need of college application essay assistance, you can contact New Bridge Educational Consulting to explore how their services can help you.

The Role of College Essay Review and Expert Evaluation

While the main college application essay is undoubtedly important, the role of essay review and expert evaluation cannot be overstated. New Bridge Educational Consulting understands the value of objective feedback and offers a specialized review service for students who have already written their essay.

The college essay review service provided by New Bridge is designed to help students strengthen their essays by focusing on elements such as style, voice, clarity, and story logic. Expert reviewers Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling bring their professional writing and admissions knowledge to the process, providing detailed feedback that helps students refine their essays.

One standout contributor to New Bridge's college essay review service is Harry Bauld, renowned for his book "On Writing the College Application Essay." Bauld's expertise in essay coaching and his understanding of the admissions process add significant value to the college essay review service.

Students who opt for the college essay review service can expect expert guidance that highlights the strengths of their essay, identifies areas for improvement, and provides actionable suggestions to enhance the overall quality of the essay. New Bridge's commitment to helping students submit their best essays ensures that each essay receives thorough attention and feedback.

If you have already written your college application essay and would like expert feedback, you can find more information about New Bridge's college essay review service on their website.

Getting Your Best College Essay: Maximizing Your Application

While the assistance provided by New Bridge Educational Consulting is invaluable, students can also maximize the impact of their college application essay by following a few key strategies:

  1. Authenticity: Be true to yourself and write an essay that reflects your genuine experiences, passions, and aspirations. Admissions officers appreciate originality and look for essays that provide insights into who you are as a person.
  2. Clarity: Communicate your ideas clearly and concisely. Strive for clarity of thought and expression to ensure that the reader understands your message without confusion.
  3. Engagement: Capture the reader's attention from the very beginning. Craft an engaging introduction that hooks the reader and keeps them interested throughout the essay.
  4. Structure: Organize your essay in a logical and coherent manner. Use paragraphs to separate different ideas and ensure that the essay flows smoothly from one point to another.
  5. Revision: Take the time to revise and edit your essay multiple times. Look for spelling and grammar errors, as well as opportunities to improve sentence structure and word choice. Don't be afraid to seek feedback from trusted mentors or professional consultants.

By incorporating these strategies into their essay writing process, students can maximize their application and increase their chances of capturing the attention of admissions officers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What services does New Bridge Educational Consulting offer?

New Bridge Educational Consulting offers various services to assist students with their college application essays. They provide one-on-one support for developing personalized essays, including educating students on the genre, brainstorming topics, outlining, editing, and receiving feedback from a national-level writer. They also assist with writing unique supplementary essays required by selective colleges and offer a college essay review service for students who have already written an essay and want expert feedback.

Who are the experts at New Bridge Educational Consulting?

New Bridge Educational Consulting has a team of experts with extensive experience in admissions, college counseling, educational administration, and academic support. The co-founder and lead counselor, Stephanie Bartling, has over 25 years of experience in the field. The essay review service also benefits from the expertise of reviewers Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling. Additionally, renowned essay coach Harry Bauld contributes his expertise to the college essay review service.
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Essay Coaching: Expert Reviewers: Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling's Insights and Feedback

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